Budget dell'account

I budget dell'account controllano quanto un account può spendere in un periodo di tempo specifico definendo le proprietà del budget, come il limite di spesa, l'ora di inizio e l'ora di fine. Loro deve rimandare a una delle configurazioni di fatturazione dell'account, per indicare quale L'importo verrà addebitato sull'account pagamenti. Puoi creare, aggiornare e rimuovere AccountBudget inviando AccountBudgetProposal oggetti.

Gli oggetti AccountBudget rappresentano il risultato finale di applicazione delle proposte. Una volta approvata una proposta, le sue modifiche (soggette aggiustamenti) comporterà la creazione di un nuovo budget dell'account o aggiorna a uno esistente. Questo dipende proposal_type specificato nella richiesta.

AccountBudgetProposalType Descrizione
CREATE Crea un nuovo budget dell'account, che deve essere approvato prima dell'utilizzo.
UPDATE Modifica un budget dell'account esistente.
END Imposta l'ora di fine di un budget dell'account sull'ora corrente.
REMOVE Rimuove un budget dell'account prima dell'ora di inizio.

Le sezioni seguenti descrivono il comportamento di ciascun tipo di proposta.

Creazione di una proposta di budget dell'account

La creazione di un nuovo budget dell'account ti consente di controllare la spesa di un cliente il comportamento degli utenti. Utilizza la AccountBudgetProposalService per creare un nuovo AccountBudgetProposal. Dovresti impostare Da proposal_type a CREATE per specificare la creazione di un nuovo budget. Consulta le management di questa guida per altre operazioni.

Ricordati di utilizzare una configurazione di fatturazione con un account pagamenti in cui disponi l'accesso. Consulta la guida alla configurazione della fatturazione per i dettagli.

Il seguente esempio mostra come creare una nuova proposta di budget.


private void runExample(GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, long billingSetupId) {
  // Creates an AccountBudgetProposal. This will be reviewed offline by Google Ads, and if
  // approved will become an AccountBudget.
  AccountBudgetProposal proposal =
          .setBillingSetup(ResourceNames.billingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId))
          .setProposedName("Account Budget (example)")

          // Specifies the account budget starts immediately.
          // Alternatively you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
          // AccountBudgetProposal
          // resource documentation for allowed formats.
          // .setProposedStartDateTime("2020-01-02 03:04:05")

          // Specifies that the budget runs forever.
          // Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as above.
          // .setProposedEndDateTime("2021-02-03 04:05:06")

          // Optional: sets notes for the budget. These are free text and do not effect budget
          // delivery.
          // .setProposedNotes("Received prepayment of $0.01")

          // Sets the spending limit to 0.01, measured in the Google Ads account currency.

          // Optional: sets PO number for record keeping. This value is at the user's
          // discretion, and has no effect on Google Billing & Payments.
          // .setProposedPurchaseOrderNumber("PO number 12345")

  // Creates an operation which will add the new AccountBudgetProposal.
  AccountBudgetProposalOperation operation =

  try (AccountBudgetProposalServiceClient accountBudgetProposalServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createAccountBudgetProposalServiceClient()) {
    // Sends the request to the Account Budget Proposal Service.
    MutateAccountBudgetProposalResponse response =
            String.valueOf(customerId), operation);

        "Account budget proposal created: %s.%n", response.getResult().getResourceName());


public void Run(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, long billingSetupId)
    // Get the AccountBudgetProposalServiceClient.
    AccountBudgetProposalServiceClient proposalService =

    // Create an AccountBudgetProposal. The proposal will be reviewed offline by Google Ads,
    // and if approved will become an AccountBudget.
    AccountBudgetProposal proposal = new AccountBudgetProposal()
        BillingSetup = ResourceNames.BillingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId),
        ProposalType = AccountBudgetProposalType.Create,
        ProposedName = "Account Budget (example)",

        // Specify the account budget starts immediately
        ProposedStartTimeType = TimeType.Now,
        // Alternatively, you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
        // AccountBudgetProposal resource documentation for allowed formats.
        //ProposedStartDateTime = "2020-01-02 03:04:05",

        // Specify that the budget runs forever.
        ProposedEndTimeType = TimeType.Forever,
        // Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as above.
        //ProposedEndDateTime = "2021-02-03 04:05:06",

        // Optional: set notes for the budget. These are free text and do not effect budget
        // delivery.
        //ProposedNotes = "Received prepayment of $0.01",

        // Set the spending limit to 0.01, measured in the Google Ads account currency.
        ProposedSpendingLimitMicros = 10_000

        // Optional: set PO number for record keeping. This value is at the user's
        // discretion, and has no effect on Google Billing & Payments.
        //ProposedPurchaseOrderNumber = "PO number 12345"

    // Create an operation which will add the new AccountBudgetProposal
    AccountBudgetProposalOperation operation = new AccountBudgetProposalOperation()
        Create = proposal

        // Send the request to the Account Budget Proposal Service.
        MutateAccountBudgetProposalResponse response = proposalService.
            MutateAccountBudgetProposal(customerId.ToString(), operation);

        // Display the results.
        Console.WriteLine($"Account budget proposal '{response.Result.ResourceName}' " +
            "was created.");
    catch (GoogleAdsException e)
        Console.WriteLine($"Message: {e.Message}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {e.Failure}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {e.RequestId}");


public static function runExample(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    int $billingSetupId
) {
    // Constructs an account budget proposal.
    $accountBudgetProposal = new AccountBudgetProposal([
        'billing_setup' => ResourceNames::forBillingSetup($customerId, $billingSetupId),
        'proposal_type' => AccountBudgetProposalType::CREATE,
        'proposed_name' => 'Account Budget (example)',
        // Specifies the account budget starts immediately.
        'proposed_start_time_type' => TimeType::NOW,
        // Alternatively you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
        // AccountBudgetProposal class for allowed formats.
        // 'proposed_start_date_time' => '2020-01-02 03:04:05',

        // Specify that the budget runs forever.
        'proposed_end_time_type' => TimeType::FOREVER,
        // Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as above.
        // 'proposed_end_date_time' => '2021-02-03 04:05:06',

        // Optional: set notes for the budget. These are free text and do not effect budget
        // delivery.
        // 'proposed_notes' => 'Received prepayment of $0.01',

        // Optional: set PO number for record keeping. This value is at the user's
        // discretion, and has no effect on Google Billing & Payments.
        // 'proposed_purchase_order_number' => 'PO number 12345',

        // Set the spending limit to 0.01, measured in the Google Ads account currency.
        'proposed_spending_limit_micros' => 10000

    $accountBudgetProposalOperation = new AccountBudgetProposalOperation();

    // Issues a mutate request to add the account budget proposal.
    $accountBudgetProposalServiceClient =
    $response = $accountBudgetProposalServiceClient->mutateAccountBudgetProposal(
        MutateAccountBudgetProposalRequest::build($customerId, $accountBudgetProposalOperation)

        "Added an account budget proposal with resource name '%s'.%s",


def main(client, customer_id, billing_setup_id):
    account_budget_proposal_service = client.get_service(
    billing_setup_service = client.get_service("BillingSetupService")

    account_budget_proposal_operation = client.get_type(
    proposal = account_budget_proposal_operation.create

    proposal.proposal_type = client.enums.AccountBudgetProposalTypeEnum.CREATE
    proposal.billing_setup = billing_setup_service.billing_setup_path(
        customer_id, billing_setup_id
    proposal.proposed_name = "Account Budget Proposal (example)"

    # Specify the account budget starts immediately
    proposal.proposed_start_time_type = client.enums.TimeTypeEnum.NOW
    # Alternatively you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
    # AccountBudgetProposal resource documentation for allowed formats.
    # proposal.proposed_start_date_time = '2020-01-02 03:04:05'

    # Specify that the budget runs forever
    proposal.proposed_end_time_type = client.enums.TimeTypeEnum.FOREVER
    # Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as
    # above.
    # proposal.proposed_end_date_time = '2021-01-02 03:04:05'

    # Optional: set notes for the budget. These are free text and do not effect
    # budget delivery.
    # proposal.proposed_notes = 'Received prepayment of $0.01'
    proposal.proposed_spending_limit_micros = 10000

    account_budget_proposal_response = (
        "Created account budget proposal "


def add_account_budget_proposal(customer_id, billing_setup_id)
  # GoogleAdsClient will read a config file from
  # ENV['HOME']/google_ads_config.rb when called without parameters
  client = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::GoogleAdsClient.new

  operation = client.operation.create_resource.account_budget_proposal do |proposal|
    proposal.billing_setup = client.path.billing_setup(customer_id, billing_setup_id)
    proposal.proposal_type = :CREATE
    proposal.proposed_name = 'Account Budget (example)'

    # Specify the account budget starts immediately
    proposal.proposed_start_time_type = :NOW
    # Alternatively you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
    # AccountBudgetProposal resource documentation for allowed formats.
    # proposal.proposed_start_date_time = '2020-01-02 03:04:05'

    # Specify that the budget runs forever.
    proposal.proposed_end_time_type = :FOREVER
    # Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as
    # above.
    # proposal.proposed_end_date_time = '2021-01-02 03:04:05'

    # Optional: set notes for the budget. These are free text and do not affect
    # budget delivery.
    # proposal.proposed_notes = 'Received prepayment of $0.01'

    # Set the spending limit to 0.01, measured in the Google Ads account currency.
    proposal.proposed_spending_limit_micros = 10_000

  account_budget_proposal_service = client.service.account_budget_proposal
  # Add budget proposal.
  response = account_budget_proposal_service.mutate_account_budget_proposal(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    operation: operation,

  puts sprintf("Created budget proposal %s.",


sub add_account_budget_proposal {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $billing_setup_id) = @_;

  # Create an account budget proposal.
  my $account_budget_proposal =
      billingSetup =>
        $customer_id, $billing_setup_id
      proposalType => CREATE,
      proposedName => "Account Budget (example)",
      # Specify that the account budget starts immediately.
      proposedStartTimeType => NOW,
      # Alternatively you can specify a specific start time. Refer to the
      # AccountBudgetProposal class for allowed formats.
      # proposedStartDateTime => "2020-01-02 03:04:05",

      # Specify that the account budget runs forever.
      proposedEndDateTime => FOREVER,
      # Alternatively you can specify a specific end time. Allowed formats are as below.
      # proposedEndDateTime => "2021-02-03 04:05:06",

      # Optional: set notes for the budget. These are free text and do not effect budget
      # delivery.
      # proposedNotes => "Received prepayment of $0.01",

      # Optional: set PO number for record keeping. This value is at the user's
      # discretion, and has no effect on Google Billing & Payments.
      # proposedPurchaseOrderNumber => "PO number 12345",

      # Set the spending limit to 0.01, measured in the Google Ads account currency.
      proposedSpendingLimitMicros => 10000

  # Create an account budget proposal operation.
  my $account_budget_proposal_operation =
      create => $account_budget_proposal

  # Add the account budget proposal.
  my $account_budget_proposal_response =
      customerId => $customer_id,
      operation  => $account_budget_proposal_operation

  printf "Created account budget proposal '%s'.\n",

  return 1;

Nelle richieste di proposta di budget dell'account, proposed_start_date_time e proposed_end_date_time si trovino sempre nel fuso orario dell'account del cliente; non puoi specificare un fuso orario. La limite di spesa proposto viene sempre misurato nella valuta dell'account; specificalo con "micro" unità, quindi $1,00 = 1.000.000 di micro.

Facoltativamente, puoi includere un numero di ordine di acquisto che verrà visualizzato accanto a questi addebiti in fattura. Ciò non influisce sulla pubblicazione del budget.

Rimuovere una proposta di budget dell'account in attesa

Per rimuovere un'intera proposta di budget in attesa, invia una AccountBudgetProposalOperation Remove richiesta con un nome risorsa della proposta di budget dell'account. Tuttavia, tieni presente che le proposte di budget vengono applicate in pochi minuti.

di Gemini Advanced.
AccountBudgetProposalOperation operation = AccountBudgetProposalOperation.newBuilder()
  .setRemove(StringValue.of(ResourceNames.accountBudgetProposal(customerId, accountBudgetProposalId)))

// Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
di Gemini Advanced.
AccountBudgetProposalOperation operation = new AccountBudgetProposalOperation()
    Remove = ResourceNames.AccountBudgetProposal(customerId, accountBudgetProposalId)

// Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
di Gemini Advanced.
$accountBudgetProposalOperation = new AccountBudgetProposalOperation();
$accountBudgetProposalOperation->setRemove(ResourceNames::forAccountBudgetProposal($customerId, $accountBudgetProposalId));

// Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
di Gemini Advanced.
account_budget_proposal_service = client.get_service('AccountBudgetProposalService')
account_budget_proposal_operation = client.get_type('AccountBudgetProposalOperation')
proposal = account_budget_proposal_operation.remove
proposal.resource_name = account_budget_proposal_service.account_budget_proposal_path(customer_id, account_budget_proposal_id):

# Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
Rosso rubino
di Gemini Advanced.
operation = client.operation.remove_resource.account_budget_proposal(client.path.account_budget_proposal(customer_id, account_budget_proposal_id))

# Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
my $account_budget_proposal_operation =
      remove => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V17::Utils::ResourceNames::billing_setup(
          $customer_id, $account_budget_proposal_id

# Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).

Se hai commesso un errore con la proposta originale, puoi inviare nuovamente proposta come operazione UPDATE. Consulta le Per saperne di più, consulta la sezione Gestire i budget esistenti dell'account di seguito.

Recupero dei budget degli account esistenti

La seguente query GAQL recupera tutti i budget esistenti in un account:


Tieni presente che i campi che includono l'ora di inizio e di fine del budget dell'account il limite di spesa ha più varianti con prefissi come proposed e approved che consentono di confrontare i valori proposti inizialmente con quelli approvati. Il limite di spesa include campi aggiuntivi con Prefisso adjusted per indicare l'attuale limite di spesa in vigore dopo una qualsiasi gli aggiustamenti sono stati applicati all'importo approvato.

Il limite di spesa approvato di un budget dell'account può essere modificato nel tempo per riflettono vari crediti per elementi quali sovrapubblicazione del budget, clic non validi attività e coupon promozionali. Ulteriori informazioni sui budget dell'account e accrediti e aggiustamenti dell'account disponibile nel Centro assistenza Google Ads.

Tutti i nuovi budget dell'account in attesa di approvazione, insieme a eventuali account esistenti budget con aggiornamenti in attesa, conterrà anche un Campo pending_proposal che possono essere selezionati. Contiene l'ID risorsa delle AccountBudgetProposal associate .

Esempi di codice

La cartella Billing di ogni libreria client contiene un esempio di codice che mostra una richiesta completa:

Gestire i budget esistenti dell'account

Dopo aver creato un budget dell'account per un cliente, puoi utilizzare Da AccountBudgetProposalService a e gestire i parametri del budget. Le operazioni di gestione più comuni sono aggiorna i campi spending_limit e end_date_time. Per un elenco completo campi modificabili, fai riferimento AccountBudgetProposal documento.

Puoi scegliere se aggiornare un budget dell'account esistente o crearne uno un budget completamente nuovo, entrambi vengono mostrati qui.

Aggiornare un budget dell'account esistente

Puoi aggiornare i campi del budget dell'account esistenti inviando AccountBudgetProposal oggetti con AccountBudgetProposalType impostato su UPDATE. Tieni presente che devi anche indicare i campi da aggiornare l'argomento UpdateMask dell'operazione.

Il seguente snippet mostra come aggiornare il limite di spesa proposto per un budget dell'account esistente.

di Gemini Advanced.
AccountBudgetProposal proposal = AccountBudgetProposal.newBuilder()
    accountBudget.getProposedSpendingLimitMicros().getValue() + increaseAmount)

AccountBudgetProposalOperation operation = AccountBudgetProposalOperation.newBuilder()

// Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
di Gemini Advanced.
AccountBudgetProposal proposal = new AccountBudgetProposal()
  ProposalType = AccountBudgetProposalType.Update,
  AccountBudget = accountBudget.ResourceName,
  ProposedSpendingLimitMicros = accountBudget.ProposedSpendingLimitMicros + increaseAmount

AccountBudgetProposalOperation operation = new AccountBudgetProposalOperation()
  Create = proposal,
  UpdateMask = new FieldMask()
    Paths = { "proposed_spending_limit" }

// Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
di Gemini Advanced.
$accountBudgetProposal = new AccountBudgetProposal([
  'proposal_type' => AccountBudgetProposalType::UPDATE,
  'account_budget' => $accountBudget->getResourceName(),
  'proposed_spending_limit_micros' =>
    $accountBudget->getProposedSpendingLimitMicros() + $increaseAmount])

$accountBudgetProposalOperation = new AccountBudgetProposalOperation();

// Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
di Gemini Advanced.
account_budget_proposal_operation = client.get_type('AccountBudgetProposalOperation')

proposal = account_budget_proposal_operation.create
proposal.proposal_type = client.get_type('AccountBudgetProposalTypeEnum').UPDATE
proposal.account_budget = account_budget
proposal.proposed_spending_limit_micros = account_budget.proposed_spending_limit_micros + increase_amount

field_mask = protobuf_helpers.field_mask(None, proposal)

# Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
Rosso rubino
di Gemini Advanced.
proposal = client.resource.account_budget_proposal
proposal.proposal_type = :UPDATE

mask = client.field_mask.with proposal do
  proposal.account_budget = account_budget.resource_name
  proposal.proposed_spending_limit_micros = account_budget.proposed_spending_limit_micros + increase_amount

operation = client.operation.account_budget_proposal do |op|
  op.create = proposal
  op.update_mask = mask

# Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
my $account_budget_proposal =
    proposalType => UPDATE,
    accountBudget => $account_budget->{resourceName},
    proposedSpendingLimitMicros => $account_budget->{proposedSpendingLimitMicros} + $increaseAmount});

my $account_budget_proposal_operation =
      create => $account_budget_proposal,
      updateMask => all_set_fields_of($account_budget_proposal)});

# Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).

Concatenamento del budget dell'account

In alternativa all'aggiornamento del budget esistente, Google Ads consente di più budget di account da utilizzare in successione. Nell'esempio seguente, ogni mese i loro limiti di spesa sono diversi.

È possibile farlo creando tre AccountBudgetProposal di oggetti e e li inviamo al AccountBudgetProposalService.

Lo snippet seguente illustra la creazione di una catena di questo tipo utilizzando una configurazione di fatturazione.

di Gemini Advanced.
AccountBudgetProposal proposalMay = AccountBudgetProposal.newBuilder()
  .setBillingSetup(ResourceNames.billingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId))
  .setProposedName("May budget")

AccountBudgetProposal proposalJune = AccountBudgetProposal.newBuilder()
  .setBillingSetup(ResourceNames.billingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId))
  .setProposedName("June budget")

AccountBudgetProposal proposalJuly = AccountBudgetProposal.newBuilder()
  .setBillingSetup(ResourceNames.billingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId))
  .setProposedName("July budget")

// Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
di Gemini Advanced.
AccountBudgetProposal proposalMay = new AccountBudgetProposal()
  BillingSetup = ResourceNames.BillingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId),
  ProposalType = AccountBudgetProposalType.Create,
  ProposedName = "May budget",
  ProposedStartDateTime = "2018-05-01",
  ProposedEndDateTime = "2018-06-01",
  ProposedSpendingLimitMicros = 1_000_000_000

AccountBudgetProposal proposalJune = new AccountBudgetProposal()
  BillingSetup = ResourceNames.BillingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId),
  ProposalType = AccountBudgetProposalType.Create,
  ProposedName = "June budget",
  ProposedStartDateTime = "2018-06-01",
  ProposedEndDateTime = "2018-07-01",
  ProposedSpendingLimitMicros = 5_000_000_000

AccountBudgetProposal proposalJuly = new AccountBudgetProposal()
  BillingSetup = ResourceNames.BillingSetup(customerId, billingSetupId),
  ProposalType = AccountBudgetProposalType.Create,
  ProposedName = "July budget",
  ProposedStartDateTime = "2018-07-01",
  ProposedEndDateTime = "2018-08-01",
  ProposedSpendingLimitMicros = 1_000_000_000

// Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
di Gemini Advanced.
$proposalMay = new AccountBudgetProposal([
  'billing_setup' => ResourceNames::forBillingSetup($customerId, $billingSetupId),
  'proposal_type' => AccountBudgetProposalType::CREATE,
  'proposed_name' => 'May budget',
  'proposed_start_date_time' => '2018-05-01',
  'proposed_end_date_time' => '2018-06-01',
  'proposed_spending_limit_micros' => 1000000000

$proposalJune = new AccountBudgetProposal([
  'billing_setup' => ResourceNames::forBillingSetup($customerId, $billingSetupId),
  'proposal_type' => AccountBudgetProposalType::CREATE,
  'proposed_name' => 'June budget',
  'proposed_start_date_time' => '2018-06-01',
  'proposed_end_date_time' => '2018-07-01',
  'proposed_spending_limit_micros' => 5000000000

$proposalJuly = new AccountBudgetProposal([
  'billing_setup' => ResourceNames::forBillingSetup($customerId, $billingSetupId),
  'proposal_type' => AccountBudgetProposalType::CREATE,
  'proposed_name' => 'July budget',
  'proposed_start_date_time' => '2018-07-01',
  'proposed_end_date_time' => '2018-08-01',
  'proposed_spending_limit_micros' => 1000000000

// Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
di Gemini Advanced.
may_account_budget_proposal_operation = client.get_type('AccountBudgetProposalOperation')
proposalMay = may_account_budget_proposal_operation.create
proposalMay.proposal_type = client.get_type('AccountBudgetProposalTypeEnum').CREATE
proposalMay.billing_setup = billing_setup_service.billing_setup_path(customer_id, billing_setup_id)
proposalMay.proposed_name = 'May budget'
proposalMay.proposed_start_date_time = '2018-05-01'
proposalMay.proposed_end_date_time = '2018-06-01'
proposalMay.proposed_spending_limit_micros = 1000000000

june_account_budget_proposal_operation = client.get_type('AccountBudgetProposalOperation')
proposalJune = may_account_budget_proposal_operation.create
proposalJune.proposal_type = client.get_type('AccountBudgetProposalTypeEnum').CREATE
proposalJune.billing_setup = billing_setup_service.billing_setup_path(customer_id, billing_setup_id)
proposalJune.proposed_name = 'June budget'
proposalJune.proposed_start_date_time = '2018-06-01'
proposalJune.proposed_end_date_time = '2018-07-01'
proposalJune.proposed_spending_limit_micros = 5000000000

july_account_budget_proposal_operation = client.get_type('AccountBudgetProposalOperation')
proposalJuly = may_account_budget_proposal_operation.create
proposalJuly.proposal_type = client.get_type('AccountBudgetProposalTypeEnum').CREATE
proposalJuly.billing_setup = billing_setup_service.billing_setup_path(customer_id, billing_setup_id)
proposalJuly.proposed_name = 'July budget'
proposalJuly.proposed_start_date_time = '2018-07-01'
proposalJuly.proposed_end_date_time = '2018-08-01'
proposalJuly.proposed_spending_limit_micros = 1000000000

# Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
Rosso rubino
di Gemini Advanced.
proposal_may = client.operation.create_resource.account_budget_proposal do |proposal|
  proposal.billing_setup = client.path.billing_setup(customer_id, billing_setup_id)
  proposal.proposal_type = :CREATE
  proposal.proposed_name = 'May budget'
  proposal.proposed_start_date_time = '2018-05-01'
  proposal.proposed_end_date_time = '2018-06-01'
  proposal.proposed_spending_limit_micros = 1_000_000_000

proposal_june = client.operation.create_resource.account_budget_proposal do |proposal|
  proposal.billing_setup = client.path.billing_setup(customer_id, billing_setup_id)
  proposal.proposal_type = :CREATE
  proposal.proposed_name = 'June budget'
  proposal.proposed_start_date_time = '2018-06-01'
  proposal.proposed_end_date_time = '2018-07-01'
  proposal.proposed_spending_limit_micros = 5_000_000_000

proposal_july = client.operation.create_resource.account_budget_proposal do |proposal|
  proposal.billing_setup = client.path.billing_setup(customer_id, billing_setup_id)
  proposal.proposal_type = :CREATE
  proposal.proposed_name = 'July budget'
  proposal.proposed_start_date_time = '2018-07-01'
  proposal.proposed_end_date_time = '2018-08-01'
  proposal.proposed_spending_limit_micros = 1_000_000_000

# Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
my $may_proposal =
    billingSetup =>
      $customer_id, $billing_setup_id
    proposalType => CREATE,
    proposedName => "May budget",
    proposedStartDateTime => "2018-05-01",
    proposedEndDateTime => "2018-06-01",
    proposedSpendingLimitMicros => 1000000000

my $june_proposal =
    billingSetup =>
      $customer_id, $billing_setup_id
    proposalType => CREATE,
    proposedName => "June budget",
    proposedStartDateTime => "2018-06-01",
    proposedEndDateTime => "2018-07-01",
    proposedSpendingLimitMicros => 5000000000

my $july_proposal =
    billingSetup =>
      $customer_id, $billing_setup_id
    proposalType => CREATE,
    proposedName => "July budget",
    proposedStartDateTime => "2018-07-01",
    proposedEndDateTime => "2018-08-01",
    proposedSpendingLimitMicros => 1000000000

# Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).

Nota l'utilizzo di AccountBudgetProposalType.CREATE su ciascuna proposta. In questo modo verranno creati tre budget distinti, anziché aggiornare per tre volte lo stesso budget.

Chiusura dei budget dell'account

I budget dell'account possono essere terminati mentre gli account sono attivi e possono essere rimossi completamente prima del giorno all'inizio o in attesa di approvazione.

Termine del budget dell'account attivo

Il budget dell'account attivo non può essere rimosso. Tuttavia, puoi impostare l'ora di fine all'ora attuale. Il modo più semplice per raggiungere questo obiettivo è inviare una proposta con AccountBudgetProposalType.END

Il seguente snippet mostra come terminare un budget dell'account esistente.

di Gemini Advanced.

// Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
di Gemini Advanced.
AccountBudgetProposal proposal = new AccountBudgetProposal()
  ProposalType = AccountBudgetProposalType.End,
  AccountBudget = accountBudget.ResourceName

// Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
di Gemini Advanced.
$accountBudgetProposal = new AccountBudgetProposal([
  'proposal_type' => AccountBudgetProposalType::END,
  'account_budget' => $accountBudget->getResourceName()

// Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
di Gemini Advanced.
account_budget_proposal_operation = client.get_type('AccountBudgetProposalOperation')
proposal = account_budget_proposal_operation.create
proposal.proposal_type = client.get_type('AccountBudgetProposalTypeEnum').END
proposal.account_budget = account_budget

# Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
Rosso rubino
di Gemini Advanced.
proposal = client.resource.account_budget_proposal
proposal.proposal_type = :END
proposal.account_budget = account_budget.resource_name

# Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
my $account_budget_proposal =
    proposalType => END,
    accountBudget => $account_budget->{resourceName});

# Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).

Equivale a impostare l'aggiornamento di un budget dell'account impostando il termine data e ora di TimeType.NOW.

Rimuovere un budget dell'account approvato prima della relativa ora di inizio

Se hai proposto di iniziare un budget dell'account in futuro, puoi rimuoverlo completamente prima dell'ora di inizio inviando un AccountBudgetProposalType.REMOVE tipo di proposta.

Il seguente snippet illustra la rimozione di un account futuro esistente budget.

di Gemini Advanced.

// Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
di Gemini Advanced.
AccountBudgetProposal proposal = new AccountBudgetProposal()
  ProposalType = AccountBudgetProposalType.Remove,
  AccountBudget = accountBudget.ResourceName

// Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
di Gemini Advanced.
$accountBudgetProposal = new AccountBudgetProposal([
  'proposal_type' => AccountBudgetProposalType::REMOVE,
  'account_budget' => $accountBudget->getResourceName()

// Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
di Gemini Advanced.
account_budget_proposal_operation = client.get_type('AccountBudgetProposalOperation')
proposal = account_budget_proposal_operation.create
proposal.proposal_type = client.get_type('AccountBudgetProposalTypeEnum').REMOVE
proposal.account_budget = account_budget

# Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
Rosso rubino
di Gemini Advanced.
proposal = client.resource.account_budget_proposal
proposal.proposal_type = :REMOVE
proposal.account_budget = account_budget.resource_name

# Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).
my $account_budget_proposal =
    proposalType => REMOVE,
    accountBudget => $account_budget->{resourceName});

# Send request to Google Ads API (not shown).