
Labels let you categorize your campaigns, ad groups, ads, and keywords, and use those categories to simplify your workflow in a variety of ways.

This guide covers the steps required to do the following:

This guide focuses on campaigns, but you can use the same approach for ad groups, ads, and keywords. Note that the API also provides CustomerLabelService, which allows manager accounts to assign labels to child accounts.

Use cases

Typical scenarios for using labels include the following:

  • Your account has campaigns you enable only during certain times of the year, and you want to easily include or exclude those campaigns from reports.
  • You added a new set of keywords to your ad group and you want to compare their stats to other keywords in your ad group.
  • Users of your Google Ads account each manage a subset of campaigns and you want a way to identify the set of campaigns for each user.
  • Your app needs to mark the status of certain objects.

Create labels

Create labels with the TextLabel object:

  1. Create a TextLabel instance.
  2. Set a background color for this TextLabel.
  3. Enter text for this TextLabel using the description field.
  4. Wrap the TextLabel in a LabelOperation and send it to LabelService.MutateLabels.

Take note of the new labels' IDs for later queries. The IDs are embedded in the resource_name field in the MutateLabelResults returned in the MutateLabelsResponse.

You can also use a LabelService.GetLabel request or a GoogleAdsService Search or SearchStream request to retrieve the IDs.

Assign labels

You can assign labels to your campaigns, customers, ad groups, criteria, or ads. Use the Mutate operation in the appropriate service to assign labels.

For example, to assign labels to a campaign, pass one or more CampaignLabelOperation to CampaignLabelService.MutateCampaignLabels. Each CampaignLabelOperation includes a CampaignLabel instance, which contains these fields:

  • label: ID of a label
  • campaign: ID of a campaign

Create a CampaignLabel instance for each label-campaign pair. Wrap it in a CampaignLabelOperation with the create operation and send it to CampaignService.MutateCampaignLabels.

Add campaign labels

Here's a code example showing how to add a campaign label to a list of campaigns:


private void runExample(
    GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, List<Long> campaignIds, Long labelId) {
  // Gets the resource name of the label to be added across all given campaigns.
  String labelResourceName = ResourceNames.label(customerId, labelId);

  List<CampaignLabelOperation> operations = new ArrayList<>(campaignIds.size());
  // Creates a campaign label operation for each campaign.
  for (Long campaignId : campaignIds) {
    // Gets the resource name of the given campaign.
    String campaignResourceName = ResourceNames.campaign(customerId, campaignId);
    // Creates the campaign label.
    CampaignLabel campaignLabel =


  try (CampaignLabelServiceClient campaignLabelServiceClient =
      googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createCampaignLabelServiceClient()) {
    MutateCampaignLabelsResponse response =
        campaignLabelServiceClient.mutateCampaignLabels(Long.toString(customerId), operations);
    System.out.printf("Added %d campaign labels:%n", response.getResultsCount());
    for (MutateCampaignLabelResult result : response.getResultsList()) {


public void Run(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, long[] campaignIds, long labelId)
    // Get the CampaignLabelServiceClient.
    CampaignLabelServiceClient campaignLabelService =

    // Gets the resource name of the label to be added across all given campaigns.
    string labelResourceName = ResourceNames.Label(customerId, labelId);

    List<CampaignLabelOperation> operations = new List<CampaignLabelOperation>();
    // Creates a campaign label operation for each campaign.
    foreach (long campaignId in campaignIds)
        // Gets the resource name of the given campaign.
        string campaignResourceName = ResourceNames.Campaign(customerId, campaignId);
        // Creates the campaign label.
        CampaignLabel campaignLabel = new CampaignLabel()
            Campaign = campaignResourceName,
            Label = labelResourceName

        operations.Add(new CampaignLabelOperation()
            Create = campaignLabel

    // Send the operation in a mutate request.
        MutateCampaignLabelsResponse response =
            campaignLabelService.MutateCampaignLabels(customerId.ToString(), operations);
        Console.WriteLine($"Added {response.Results} campaign labels:");

        foreach (MutateCampaignLabelResult result in response.Results)
    catch (GoogleAdsException e)
        Console.WriteLine($"Message: {e.Message}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {e.Failure}");
        Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {e.RequestId}");


public static function runExample(
    GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
    int $customerId,
    array $campaignIds,
    int $labelId
) {
    // Gets the resource name of the label to be added across all given campaigns.
    $labelResourceName = ResourceNames::forLabel($customerId, $labelId);

    // Creates a campaign label operation for each campaign.
    $operations = [];
    foreach ($campaignIds as $campaignId) {
        // Creates the campaign label.
        $campaignLabel = new CampaignLabel([
            'campaign' => ResourceNames::forCampaign($customerId, $campaignId),
            'label' => $labelResourceName
        $campaignLabelOperation = new CampaignLabelOperation();
        $operations[] = $campaignLabelOperation;

    // Issues a mutate request to add the labels to the campaigns.
    $campaignLabelServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getCampaignLabelServiceClient();
    $response = $campaignLabelServiceClient->mutateCampaignLabels(
        MutateCampaignLabelsRequest::build($customerId, $operations)

    printf("Added %d campaign labels:%s", $response->getResults()->count(), PHP_EOL);

    foreach ($response->getResults() as $addedCampaignLabel) {
        /** @var CampaignLabel $addedCampaignLabel */
            "New campaign label added with resource name: '%s'.%s",


def main(client, customer_id, label_id, campaign_ids):
    """This code example adds a campaign label to a list of campaigns.

        client: An initialized GoogleAdsClient instance.
        customer_id: A client customer ID str.
        label_id: The ID of the label to attach to campaigns.
        campaign_ids: A list of campaign IDs to which the label will be added.

    # Get an instance of CampaignLabelService client.
    campaign_label_service = client.get_service("CampaignLabelService")
    campaign_service = client.get_service("CampaignService")
    label_service = client.get_service("LabelService")

    # Build the resource name of the label to be added across the campaigns.
    label_resource_name = label_service.label_path(customer_id, label_id)

    operations = []

    for campaign_id in campaign_ids:
        campaign_resource_name = campaign_service.campaign_path(
            customer_id, campaign_id
        campaign_label_operation = client.get_type("CampaignLabelOperation")

        campaign_label = campaign_label_operation.create
        campaign_label.campaign = campaign_resource_name
        campaign_label.label = label_resource_name

    response = campaign_label_service.mutate_campaign_labels(
        customer_id=customer_id, operations=operations
    print(f"Added {len(response.results)} campaign labels:")
    for result in response.results:


def add_campaign_label(customer_id, label_id, campaign_ids)
  # GoogleAdsClient will read a config file from
  # ENV['HOME']/google_ads_config.rb when called without parameters
  client =

  label_resource_name = client.path.label(customer_id, label_id)

  labels = { |campaign_id|
    client.resource.campaign_label do |label|
      campaign_resource_name = client.path.campaign(customer_id, campaign_id)
      label.campaign = campaign_resource_name
      label.label = label_resource_name

  ops = { |label|

  response = client.service.campaign_label.mutate_campaign_labels(
    customer_id: customer_id,
    operations: ops,
  response.results.each do |result|
    puts("Created campaign label with id: #{result.resource_name}")


sub add_campaign_labels {
  my ($api_client, $customer_id, $campaign_ids, $label_id) = @_;

  my $label_resource_name =

  my $campaign_label_operations = [];

  # Create a campaign label operation for each campaign.
  foreach my $campaign_id (@$campaign_ids) {
    # Create a campaign label.
    my $campaign_label =
        campaign => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V18::Utils::ResourceNames::campaign(
          $customer_id, $campaign_id
        label => $label_resource_name

    # Create a campaign label operation.
    my $campaign_label_operation =
        create => $campaign_label

    push @$campaign_label_operations, $campaign_label_operation;

  # Add the campaign labels to the campaigns.
  my $campaign_labels_response = $api_client->CampaignLabelService()->mutate({
    customerId => $customer_id,
    operations => $campaign_label_operations

  my $campaign_label_results = $campaign_labels_response->{results};
  printf "Added %d campaign labels:\n", scalar @$campaign_label_results;

  foreach my $campaign_label_result (@$campaign_label_results) {
    printf "Created campaign label '%s'.\n",

  return 1;

Retrieve objects using their labels

After you've assigned labels to your campaigns, you can use the label fields to retrieve objects by ID.

Pass an appropriate GAQL query to a GoogleAdsService Search or SearchStream request. For example, the following query returns the ID, name, and labels for each campaign associated with any one of three label IDs:

FROM campaign_label
WHERE IN (123456, 789012, 345678)

Note that you can only filter by label ID, not label name. To get the label ID from a label name, you can use this query:

FROM label

Retrieve labels applied to a customer

When getting the hierarchy of accounts under a manager account, you can retrieve the list of labels applied to a child customer account by requesting the applied_labels field from the CustomerClient object. This field retrieves only the labels owned by the customer making the API call.

Use labels in reports

Labels reporting

The Label report resource returns details about the labels defined in an account. Details include the name, ID, resource name, status, background color, and description, as well as the Customer resource representing the label's owner.

Reports with metrics

The Ad Group and Campaign report views contain the labels field. The reporting service returns the label resource names in the format customers/{customer_id}/labels/{label_id}. For example, the resource name customers/123456789/labels/012345 refers to the label with ID 012345 in the account with ID 123456789.

Reports without metrics

Each of the following report resources can be used to find relationships between resources and labels:

You can filter the above report results by comparing the field using any numeric comparison operator or the BETWEEN, IS NULL, IS NOT NULL, IN, or NOT IN operators.

As an example, you can get all campaigns with a specific label ID as follows:

FROM campaign_label