Chart Styling

Charts produced by the ui.Chart module in the Earth Engine Code Editor can be styled using the .setOptions() method. The method takes a client-side JavaScript object of configuration options as an input. Configuration options for each chart type are provided in the respective Google Charts documentation under the Configuration Options section, for example: Line Chart.

Configuration options example

Here, custom chart styling is applied to the ui.Chart.image.doySeries example. It provides a guide for how to format a configuration options object and apply it to an ee.Chart.

// Import the example feature collection and subset the glassland feature.
var grassland = ee.FeatureCollection('projects/google/charts_feature_example')
                    .filter(ee.Filter.eq('label', 'Grassland'));

// Load MODIS vegetation indices data and subset a decade of images.
var vegIndices = ee.ImageCollection('MODIS/006/MOD13A1')
                     .filter('2010-01-01', '2020-01-01'))
                     .select(['NDVI', 'EVI']);

// Set chart style properties.
var chartStyle = {
  title: 'Average Vegetation Index Value by Day of Year for Grassland',
  hAxis: {
    title: 'Day of year',
    titleTextStyle: {italic: false, bold: true},
    gridlines: {color: 'FFFFFF'}
  vAxis: {
    title: 'Vegetation index (x1e4)',
    titleTextStyle: {italic: false, bold: true},
    gridlines: {color: 'FFFFFF'},
    format: 'short',
    baselineColor: 'FFFFFF'
  series: {
    0: {lineWidth: 3, color: 'E37D05', pointSize: 7},
    1: {lineWidth: 7, color: '1D6B99', lineDashStyle: [4, 4]}
  chartArea: {backgroundColor: 'EBEBEB'}

// Define the chart.
var chart =
          imageCollection: vegIndices,
          region: grassland,
          regionReducer: ee.Reducer.mean(),
          scale: 500,
          yearReducer: ee.Reducer.mean(),
          startDay: 1,
          endDay: 365
        .setSeriesNames(['EVI', 'NDVI']);

// Apply custom style properties to the chart.

// Print the chart to the console.

How do I...

The following examples provide JavaScript objects defining only the relevant configuration options to answer the question. Add additional options to the object as needed and pass the result to the .setOptions() method of an ee.Chart.

set the chart title?

  title: 'The Chart Title'

hide the chart title?

  titlePosition: 'none'

hide the legend?

  legend: {position: 'none'}

define the axis limits?

  hAxis: {  // x-axis
    viewWindow: {min: 10, max: 100}
  vAxis: {  // y-axis
    viewWindow: {min: -10, max: 50}

set symbol size and color?

You can set symbol properties for all series using top-level properties, for example:

  colors: ['blue'],
  pointSize: 10,
  lineWidth: 5,
  lineDashStyle: [4, 4],
  pointShape: 'diamond'  // 'circle', 'triangle', 'square', 'star', or 'polygon'

or set properties for selected series:

  series: {
    0: {lineWidth: 3, color: 'yellow', pointSize: 7},
    2: {lineWidth: 7, color: '1D6D99', lineDashStyle: [4, 4]}

You can also set colors for individual series by providing a color array that corresponds to the length and order of the series.

  colors: ['blue', 'yellow', 'red']

hide a series from the legend?

  series: {
    0: {visibleInLegend: false},  // hides the 1st series in the legend
    2: {visibleInLegend: false}  // hides the 3rd series in the legend

show points on a line chart?

Show points for all series:

  pointSize: 10

or for individual series:

  series: {
    0: {pointSize: 10},  // shows size 10 points for the 1st line series
    2: {pointSize: 10}  // shows size 10 points for the 3rd line series

show lines on a point chart?

Show lines for all series:

  lineWidth: 10

or for individual series:

  series: {
    0: {lineWidth: 10},  // shows size 10 lines for the 1st point series
    2: {lineWidth: 10}  // shows size 10 lines for the 3rd point series

apply log scale to an axis?

  hAxis: {logScale: true},  // x-axis
  vAxis: {logScale: true}  // y-axis

apply a smoothing function to a line?

Apply a smoothing function to every line series:

  curveType: 'function'

or individual series:

  series: {
    0: {curveType: 'function'},  // apply smoothing function to 1st line series
    2: {curveType: 'function'}  // apply smoothing function to 3rd line series

zoom and pan chart axes?

See the explorer options for respective Google Chart types. The following will permit zooming and panning on both axes.

  explorer: {}

Limit panning and zooming to a single axis:

  explorer: {axis: 'vertical'}  // or 'horizontal'

set point symbol opacity?

  dataOpacity: 0.5

rotate axes?

  orientation: 'vertical'  // or 'horizontal'

set text style?

Text styling options are specified according to the following JavaScript object:

var textStyle = {
  color: 'grey',
  fontName: 'arial',
  fontSize: 14,
  bold: true,
  italic: false

Set x-axis text style:

  hAxis: {
    textStyle: textStyle,  // tick label text style
    titleTextStyle: textStyle  // axis title text style

Set y-axis text style:

  vAxis: {
    textStyle: textStyle,  // tick label text style
    titleTextStyle: textStyle  // axis title text style

Set legend text style:

  legend: {textStyle: textStyle}

You can also set font name and size for all text elements:

  fontName: 'arial',
  fontSize: 14

set chart background color?

  chartArea: {backgroundColor: 'EBEBEB'}

set chart grid line color?

  hAxis: {  // x-axis
    gridlines: {color: 'FFFFFF'}
  vAxis: {  // y-axis
    gridlines: {color: 'FFFFFF'}

remove grid lines?

  hAxis: {  // x-axis
    gridlines: {count: 0}
  vAxis: {  // y-axis
    gridlines: {count: 0}

format axis value labels?

See this guide for the full list of axis value label format options.

  hAxis: {  // x-axis
    format: 'short'  // applies the 'short' format option
  vAxis: {  // y-axis
    format: 'scientific'  // applies the 'scientific' format option

interpolate null y-axis values?

Missing or null y-axis values in a line chart can cause line breaks. Use interpolateNulls: true to draw a continuous line.

  interpolateNulls: true

add a trend line?

A trend line can be automatically generated for scatter, bar, column, and line charts. See this page for full details.

  trendlines: {
    0: {  // add a trend line to the 1st series
      type: 'linear',  // or 'polynomial', 'exponential'
      color: 'green',
      lineWidth: 5,
      opacity: 0.2,
      visibleInLegend: true,