Chart Overview

The Earth Engine JavaScript Code Editor seamlessly integrates with Google Charts for convenient tabular data visualization via ui.Chart functions. Charts can be displayed interactively in the Code Editor console, ui.Panel widgets, and in stand-alone browser tabs.

DataTable charts

Earth Engine uses the Google Visualization API to support charting. The API accepts a DataTable, which is a 2-D table where rows are observations and columns are observation attributes. All charts in Earth Engine are derived from a DataTable; the ui.Chart widget allows you to supply a DataTable directly. It affords the greatest opportunity for chart customization, but may be less convenient than methods for charting specific Earth Engine objects (see the following section). Learn more about creating charts from a DataTable:

Earth Engine object charts

The ui.Chart widget provides helper methods to construct a DataTable and render charts from Image, ImageCollection Feature, FeatureCollection, Array, and List objects. Each function accepts a specific data type and includes methods for reducing the data to tabular format in a variety of arrangements that dictate data assignment to chart series and axes.

Visit the following links to learn how to generate a chart for each data type:

Chart types

A variety of chart types can be produced; for example: scatter, line, bar, pie, and histogram. Specifically, any chart type that is available in the Google Charts corechart package can be generated. Use the ui.Chart.setChartType() method to set chart type. Each page linked to in the Earth Engine object charts and DataTable charts sections include examples for generating several chart types.

Use the following strings as input to the ui.Chart.setChartType() method:


Here is an example:

var data = ee.List([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
var chart = ui.Chart.array.values(data, 0, data)

Display and download

ui.Chart widgets can be displayed three ways:

var data = ee.List([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
var chart = ui.Chart.array.values(data, 0, data);
var data = ee.List([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]);
var chart = ui.Chart.array.values(data, 0, data);
var chartPanel = ui.Panel(chart);
  • In a separate browser tab; click the pop-out icon () in the upper-right corner of a displayed ui.Chart widget. The new page provides a full-window display and options to download the chart as a graphic (PNG or SVG) or a CSV file of the underlying data.


Charts are interactive by default. Hover over points, lines, bars, etc. to see respective x, y, and series values. Axis zooming and panning are optionally permitted by activating a chart's "explorer" functionality.


Google Charts are highly customizable via styling properties. Use the ui.Chart.setOptions() method to set chart style properties. See the Chart Styling guide for full details.


ui.Chart functions will only render 5,000 features. If your FeatureCollection, ImageCollection, Array or List has more elements, consider ways you might limit the data. If you have a long time series with a high cadence rate, try using a shorter time period, temporal sampling, or generate temporal composites. If the issue is spatial, try using a random subset. If you are working with pixels in a list or array, try using a slightly larger scale or smaller region.

Long-running computations can fail to generate a chart because of interactive response limits of the Code Editor. If your chart request times out, try exporting intermediate steps of your analysis and regenerating the chart from the exported assets.