
The algorithm to be used when creating reduced-resolution versions of an image band. By default, the mask is computed as the MEAN of the input masks, reflecting the total weight of the input data over which the requested output statistic was calculated. In the case of SAMPLE, the sampled pixel's mask is used directly.

MEAN Output pixel is the mask-weighted mean of the input pixels. Should be used for direct observation results and continuous quantities like temperature.
SAMPLE Output pixel is identical to the upper-left input pixel. Should be used for QA/bitmask bands or other non-continuous fields like date of pixel acquisition.
MIN Output pixel is the minimum value of the input pixels.
MAX Output pixel is the maximum value of the input pixels.
MODE Output pixel is the mask-weighted mode of the input pixels. Should be used for landcover bands.
MEDIAN Output pixel is the mask-weighted median of the input pixels. In case of a tie, the mean of the middle two values is used.