
Runs the FMask cloud and shadow matching. Outputs a single band ('csm'), containing the computed cloud and shadow masks.

ee.Algorithms.FMask.matchClouds(input, cloud, shadow, btemp, sceneLow, sceneHigh, neighborhood)Image
inputImageThe scene for which to compute cloud and shadow masks.
cloudImagePotential cloud mask image. Expected to contain 1s for cloudy pixels and masked pixels everywhere else.
shadowImagePotential shadow mask image. Expected to contain 1s for shadow pixels and masked pixels everywhere else.
btempImageBrightness temperature image, in Celsius.
sceneLowFloatThe 0.175 percentile brightness temperature of the scene.
sceneHighFloatThe 0.825 percentile brightness temperature of the scene.
neighborhoodInteger, default: 50The neighborhood to pad around each tile.