
Limits panning and zooming on the map.

  - To lock both panning and zooming, set locked to true and nothing else.

  - To allow panning and limit the min and max zoom, set locked to false and supply the minZoom and maxZoom parameters.

  - To disallow panning and limit min and max zoom, set locked to true and supply the minZoom and maxZoom parameters.

  - To reset the map to default, set locked to false and nothing else.

Map.setLocked(locked, minZoom, maxZoom)
this: ui.mapui.MapThe ui.Map instance.
lockedBooleanWhether the map should be locked or not.
minZoomNumber, optional(optional) The minimum zoom for the map, between 0 and 24, inclusive.
maxZoomNumber, optional(optional) The maximum zoom for the map, between 0 and 24, inclusive.