Updates an asset.
The authenticated user must be a writer or owner of the asset.
Usage | Returns | ee.data.updateAsset(assetId, asset, updateFields, callback) | Object |
Argument | Type | Details | assetId | String | The ID of the asset to update. |
asset | api.EarthEngineAsset | The updated version of the asset, containing only the new values of the fields to be updated. Only the
"start_time", "end_time", and "properties" fields can be updated. If a value is named in "updateMask", but is unset in "asset", then that value will be deleted from the asset. |
updateFields | List | A list of the field names to update. This may contain:
"start_time" or "end_time" to update the corresponding timestamp,
"properties.PROPERTY_NAME" to update a given property, or
"properties" to update all properties. If the list is empty, all properties and both timestamps will be updated. |
callback | Function, optional | An optional callback. If not supplied, the call is made synchronously. |