
Overrides one or more metadata properties of an Element.

Returns the element with the specified properties overridden.

this: elementElementThe Element instance.
var_argsVarArgsEither a dictionary of properties, or a vararg sequence of properties, e.g. key1, value1, key2, value2, ...


Code Editor (JavaScript)

// An empty FeatureCollection for simple demonstration.
var fc = ee.FeatureCollection([]);

// Set a single new property using a key-value pair.
fc = fc.set('key_1', 'value 1');

// Set multiple new properties using a series of key-value pairs.
fc = fc.set('key_2', 'value 2',
            'key_3', 3);

// Set new properties using a dictionary of key-value pairs.
fc = fc.set({
  key_5: ee.Array([1, 2, 3]),
  key_6: ee.Image(0),
  key_7: ee.Feature(null)
print('New FeatureCollection properties added', fc);

// Overwrite an existing property.
fc = fc.set('key_1', 'overwritten');
print('FeatureCollection property overwritten', fc);

Python setup

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap

Colab (Python)

from pprint import pprint

# An empty FeatureCollection for simple demonstration.
fc = ee.FeatureCollection([])

# Set a single new property using a key-value pair.
fc = fc.set('key_1', 'value 1')

# Set multiple new properties using a series of key-value pairs.
fc = fc.set('key_2', 'value 2', 'key_3', 3)

# Set new properties using a dictionary of key-value pairs.
fc = fc.set({
  'key_5': ee.Array([1, 2, 3]),
  'key_6': ee.Image(0),
  'key_7': ee.Feature(None)
print('New FeatureCollection properties added:')

# Overwrite an existing property.
fc = fc.set('key_1', 'overwritten')
print('FeatureCollection property overwritten:')