
Computes a 2D error matrix for a collection by comparing two columns of a collection: one containing the actual values, and one containing predicted values. The values are expected to be small contiguous integers, starting from 0. Axis 0 (the rows) of the matrix correspond to the actual values, and Axis 1 (the columns) to the predicted values.

FeatureCollection.errorMatrix(actual, predicted, order)ConfusionMatrix
this: collectionFeatureCollectionThe input collection.
actualStringThe name of the property containing the actual value.
predictedStringThe name of the property containing the predicted value.
orderList, default: nullA list of the expected values. If this argument is not specified, the values are assumed to be contiguous and span the range 0 to maxValue. If specified, only values matching this list are used, and the matrix will have dimensions and order matching this list.


Code Editor (JavaScript)

 * Classifies features in a FeatureCollection and computes an error matrix.

// Combine Landsat and NLCD images using only the bands representing
// predictor variables (spectral reflectance) and target labels (land cover).
var spectral =
var landcover =
var sampleSource = spectral.addBands(landcover);

// Sample the combined images to generate a FeatureCollection.
var sample = sampleSource.sample({
  region: spectral.geometry(),  // sample only from within Landsat image extent
  scale: 30,
  numPixels: 2000,
  geometries: true
// Add a random value column with uniform distribution for hold-out
// training/validation splitting.
.randomColumn({distribution: 'uniform'});
print('Sample for classifier development', sample);

// Split out ~80% of the sample for training the classifier.
var training = sample.filter('random < 0.8');
print('Training set', training);

// Train a random forest classifier.
var classifier = ee.Classifier.smileRandomForest(10).train({
  features: training,
  classProperty: landcover.bandNames().get(0),
  inputProperties: spectral.bandNames()

// Classify the sample.
var predictions = sample.classify(
    {classifier: classifier, outputName: 'predicted_landcover'});
print('Predictions', predictions);

// Split out the validation feature set.
var validation = predictions.filter('random >= 0.8');
print('Validation set', validation);

// Get a list of possible class values to use for error matrix axis labels.
var order = sample.aggregate_array('landcover').distinct().sort();
print('Error matrix axis labels', order);

// Compute an error matrix that compares predicted vs. expected values.
var errorMatrix = validation.errorMatrix({
  actual: landcover.bandNames().get(0),
  predicted: 'predicted_landcover',
  order: order
print('Error matrix', errorMatrix);

// Compute accuracy metrics from the error matrix.
print("Overall accuracy", errorMatrix.accuracy());
print("Consumer's accuracy", errorMatrix.consumersAccuracy());
print("Producer's accuracy", errorMatrix.producersAccuracy());
print("Kappa", errorMatrix.kappa());

Python setup

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap

Colab (Python)

from pprint import pprint

# Classifies features in a FeatureCollection and computes an error matrix.

# Combine Landsat and NLCD images using only the bands representing
# predictor variables (spectral reflectance) and target labels (land cover).
spectral = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2/LC08_038032_20160820').select(
landcover = ee.Image('USGS/NLCD_RELEASES/2016_REL/2016').select('landcover')
sample_source = spectral.addBands(landcover)

# Sample the combined images to generate a FeatureCollection.
sample = sample_source.sample(**{
    # sample only from within Landsat image extent
    'region': spectral.geometry(),
    'scale': 30,
    'numPixels': 2000,
    'geometries': True
# Add a random value column with uniform distribution for hold-out
# training/validation splitting.
sample = sample.randomColumn(**{'distribution': 'uniform'})
print('Sample for classifier development:', sample.getInfo())

# Split out ~80% of the sample for training the classifier.
training = sample.filter('random < 0.8')
print('Training set:', training.getInfo())

# Train a random forest classifier.
classifier = ee.Classifier.smileRandomForest(10).train(**{
    'features': training,
    'classProperty': landcover.bandNames().get(0),
    'inputProperties': spectral.bandNames()

# Classify the sample.
predictions = sample.classify(
    **{'classifier': classifier, 'outputName': 'predicted_landcover'})
print('Predictions:', predictions.getInfo())

# Split out the validation feature set.
validation = predictions.filter('random >= 0.8')
print('Validation set:', validation.getInfo())

# Get a list of possible class values to use for error matrix axis labels.
order = sample.aggregate_array('landcover').distinct().sort()
print('Error matrix axis labels:')

# Compute an error matrix that compares predicted vs. expected values.
error_matrix = validation.errorMatrix(**{
    'actual': landcover.bandNames().get(0),
    'predicted': 'predicted_landcover',
    'order': order
print('Error matrix:')

# Compute accuracy metrics from the error matrix.
print('Overall accuracy:', error_matrix.accuracy().getInfo())
print('Consumer\'s accuracy:')
print('Producer\'s accuracy:')
print('Kappa:', error_matrix.kappa().getInfo())