
Convert an image to a feature collection by reducing homogeneous regions. Given an image containing a band of labeled segments and zero or more additional bands, runs a reducer over the pixels in each segment producing a feature per segment.

Either the reducer must have one fewer inputs than the image has bands, or it must have a single input and will be repeated for each band.

Image.reduceToVectors(reducer, geometry, scale, geometryType, eightConnected, labelProperty, crs, crsTransform, bestEffort, maxPixels, tileScale, geometryInNativeProjection)FeatureCollection
this: imageImageThe input image. The first band is expected to be an integer type; adjacent pixels will be in the same segment if they have the same value in this band.
reducerReducer, default: nullThe reducer to apply. Its inputs will be taken from the image's bands after dropping the first band. Defaults to Reducer.countEvery().
geometryGeometry, default: nullThe region over which to reduce data. Defaults to the footprint of the image's first band.
scaleFloat, default: nullA nominal scale in meters of the projection to work in.
geometryTypeString, default: "polygon"How to choose the geometry of each generated feature; one of 'polygon' (a polygon enclosing the pixels in the segment), 'bb' (a rectangle bounding the pixels), or 'centroid' (the centroid of the pixels).
eightConnectedBoolean, default: trueIf true, diagonally-connected pixels are considered adjacent; otherwise only pixels that share an edge are.
labelPropertyString, default: "label"If non-null, the value of the first band will be saved as the specified property of each feature.
crsProjection, default: nullThe projection to work in. If unspecified, the projection of the image's first band is used. If specified in addition to scale, rescaled to the specified scale.
crsTransformList, default: nullThe list of CRS transform values. This is a row-major ordering of the 3x2 transform matrix. This option is mutually exclusive with 'scale', and replaces any transform already set on the projection.
bestEffortBoolean, default: falseIf the polygon would contain too many pixels at the given scale, compute and use a larger scale which would allow the operation to succeed.
maxPixelsLong, default: 10000000The maximum number of pixels to reduce.
tileScaleFloat, default: 1A scaling factor used to reduce aggregation tile size; using a larger tileScale (e.g., 2 or 4) may enable computations that run out of memory with the default.
geometryInNativeProjectionBoolean, default: falseCreate geometries in the pixel projection, rather than EPSG:4326.