
Creates a batch task to export a FeatureCollection as a table to Google Cloud Storage. Tasks can be started from the Tasks tab.

Export.table.toCloudStorage(collection, description, bucket, fileNamePrefix, fileFormat, selectors, maxVertices, priority)
collectionFeatureCollectionThe feature collection to export.
descriptionString, optionalA human-readable name of the task. Defaults to "myExportTableTask".
bucketString, optionalThe Cloud Storage destination bucket.
fileNamePrefixString, optionalThe string used as the output's prefix. A trailing "/" indicates a path. Defaults to the description.
fileFormatString, optionalThe output format: "CSV" (default), "GeoJSON", "KML", "KMZ", "SHP", or "TFRecord".
selectorsList, optionalA list of properties to include in the export; either a single string with comma-separated names or a list of strings.
maxVerticesNumber, optionalMax number of uncut vertices per geometry; geometries with more vertices will be cut into pieces smaller than this size.
priorityNumber, optionalThe priority of the task within the project. Higher priority tasks are scheduled sooner. Must be an integer between 0 and 9999. Defaults to 100.