
Creates a batch task to export a FeatureCollection to a FeatureView asset. Tasks can be started from the Tasks tab.

Export.table.toFeatureView(collection, description, assetId, maxFeaturesPerTile, thinningStrategy, thinningRanking, zOrderRanking, priority)
collectionFeatureCollectionThe feature collection to export.
descriptionString, optionalA human-readable name of the task. May contain letters, numbers, -, _ (no spaces). Defaults to "myExportTableTask".
assetIdString, optionalThe destination asset ID. May contain letters, numbers, -, _, and / (no spaces).
maxFeaturesPerTileNumber, optionalThe max number of features that can intersect a tile. Can be a value between 0 and 2000; defaults to 500. Warning: Setting the max number of features to a value higher than 1000 may result in dropped tiles.
thinningStrategyString, optionalThe thinning strategy to use. Can either be HIGHER_DENSITY or GLOBALLY_CONSISTENT. Defaults to HIGHER_DENSITY. When thinning at a particular level of detail on the map, a higher density thinning strategy means that it tries to come as close as possible to the maxFeaturesPerTile limit for each tile. Globally-consistent thinning means that if a feature is removed by thinning, then all other features with equal or worse thinning rank will also be removed.
thinningRankingList, optionalComma-separated ranking rules defining the priority of how features should be thinned on the map. Defaults to ".minZoomLevel ASC". Each rule should be defined by a rule type and a direction (ASC or DESC), separated by a space. Valid rule types are: ".geometryType", ".minZoomLevel", or a feature property name. The value ".geometryType" refers to points, lines, and polygons. The value ".minZoomLevel" refers to the minimum zoom level that a feature is visible. Points are visible at all zoom levels, so they have the smallest minZoomLevel. For example, a valid set of ranking rules could be: 'my-property DESC, .geometryType ASC, .minZoomLevel ASC'. The same set of rules expressed as a list of strings would be: ['my-property DESC', '.geometryType ASC', '.minZoomLevel ASC']. This means when thinning at a particular level of detail on the map, prioritize features with a larger "my-property" value first (thin features with a smaller value of "my-property"), prioritize features with a smaller geometry type (e.g. thin out polygons before lines and thinning out lines before points), and prioritize features with a smaller minimum zoom level (points over large polygons over smaller polygons).
zOrderRankingList, optionalComma-separated ranking rules defining the z-order (stack order) of features displayed on the map. Defaults to ".minZoomLevel ASC". Uses the same format as thinningRanking. Each rule should be defined by a rule type and a direction (ASC or DESC), separated by a space. Valid rule types are: ".geometryType", ".minZoomLevel", or a feature property name. The value ".geometryType" refers to points, lines, and polygons. The value ".minZoomLevel" refers to the minimum zoom level that a feature is visible. Points are visible at all zoom levels, so they have the smallest minZoomLevel. For example, a valid set of ranking rules could be: 'my-property DESC, .geometryType ASC, .minZoomLevel ASC'. The same set of rules expressed as a list of strings would be: ['my-property DESC', '.geometryType ASC', '.minZoomLevel ASC']. This means when determining z-order of features at a particular level of detail on the map, features with a larger "my-property" value appear under features with a smaller value, features with a smaller geometry type appear under features with a larger geometry type (e.g. points under lines and lines under polygons), and features with a smaller min zoom level (larger features) appear under features with a larger min zoom level (smaller features).
priorityNumber, optionalThe priority of the task within the project. Higher priority tasks are scheduled sooner. Must be an integer between 0 and 9999. Defaults to 100.