
Paints the geometries of a collection onto an image, using the given 'color' value to replace each band's values where any geometry covers the image (or, if a line width is specified, where the perimeters do).

This algorithm is most suitable for converting categorical data from feature properties to pixels in an image; if you wish to visualize a collection, consider using instead, which supports RGB colors whereas this algorithm is strictly 'monochrome' (using single numeric values).

Image.paint(featureCollection, color, width)Image
this: imageImageThe image on which the collection is painted.
featureCollectionFeatureCollectionThe collection painted onto the image.
colorObject, default: 0The pixel value to paint into every band of the input image, either as a number which will be used for all features, or the name of a numeric property to take from each feature in the collection.
widthObject, default: nullLine width, either as a number which will be the line width for all geometries, or the name of a numeric property to take from each feature in the collection. If unspecified, the geometries will be filled instead of outlined.