
Clamps the value to lie within the range of min to max.

Number.clamp(min, max)Number
this: numberNumber
minFloatThe minimum value to clamp to.
maxFloatThe maximum value to clamp to.


Code Editor (JavaScript)

// Numbers within range are unaffected.
print('100 clamped to range [0,255]', ee.Number(100).clamp(0, 255));  // 100

// Numbers greater than max in range are set to max.
print('259 clamped to range [0,255]', ee.Number(259).clamp(0, 255));  // 255

// Numbers less than min in range are set to min.
print('-259 clamped to range [0,255]', ee.Number(-259).clamp(0, 255));  // 0

Python setup

See the Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using geemap for interactive development.

import ee
import geemap.core as geemap

Colab (Python)

# Numbers within range are unaffected.
# 100
print('100 clamped to range [0,255]:', ee.Number(100).clamp(0, 255).getInfo())

# Numbers greater than max in range are set to max.
# 255
print('259 clamped to range [0,255]:', ee.Number(259).clamp(0, 255).getInfo())

# Numbers less than min in range are set to min.
# 0
print('-259 clamped to range [0,255]:', ee.Number(-259).clamp(0, 255).getInfo())