Centers the map view at the given coordinates with the given zoom level. If no zoom level is provided, it uses the most recent zoom level on the map.
Returns this ui.Map.
Usage | Returns | Map.setCenter(lon, lat, zoom) | ui.Map |
Argument | Type | Details | this: | ui.Map | The ui.Map instance. |
lon | Number | The longitude of the center, in degrees. |
lat | Number | The latitude of the center, in degrees. |
zoom | Number, optional | The zoom level, from 0 to 24. |
Code Editor (JavaScript)
// Define a ui.Map widget.
var map = ui.Map();
// Set the position and optional zoom level of the map. Latitude must be
// within [-85, 85].
map.setCenter({lon: -123.6, lat: 47.7, zoom: 9});