Classifies each feature in a collection.
Usage | Returns | FeatureCollection.classify(classifier, outputName) | FeatureCollection |
Argument | Type | Details | this: features | FeatureCollection | The collection of features to classify. Each feature must contain all the properties in the classifier's schema. |
classifier | Classifier | The classifier to use. |
outputName | String, default: "classification" | The name of the output property to be added. This argument is ignored if the classifier has more than one output. |
Code Editor (JavaScript)
* Classifies features in a FeatureCollection and computes an error matrix.
// Combine Landsat and NLCD images using only the bands representing
// predictor variables (spectral reflectance) and target labels (land cover).
var spectral =
var landcover =
var sampleSource = spectral.addBands(landcover);
// Sample the combined images to generate a FeatureCollection.
var sample = sampleSource.sample({
region: spectral.geometry(), // sample only from within Landsat image extent
scale: 30,
numPixels: 2000,
geometries: true
// Add a random value column with uniform distribution for hold-out
// training/validation splitting.
.randomColumn({distribution: 'uniform'});
print('Sample for classifier development', sample);
// Split out ~80% of the sample for training the classifier.
var training = sample.filter('random < 0.8');
print('Training set', training);
// Train a random forest classifier.
var classifier = ee.Classifier.smileRandomForest(10).train({
features: training,
classProperty: landcover.bandNames().get(0),
inputProperties: spectral.bandNames()
// Classify the sample.
var predictions = sample.classify(
{classifier: classifier, outputName: 'predicted_landcover'});
print('Predictions', predictions);
// Split out the validation feature set.
var validation = predictions.filter('random >= 0.8');
print('Validation set', validation);
// Get a list of possible class values to use for error matrix axis labels.
var order = sample.aggregate_array('landcover').distinct().sort();
print('Error matrix axis labels', order);
// Compute an error matrix that compares predicted vs. expected values.
var errorMatrix = validation.errorMatrix({
actual: landcover.bandNames().get(0),
predicted: 'predicted_landcover',
order: order
print('Error matrix', errorMatrix);
// Compute accuracy metrics from the error matrix.
print("Overall accuracy", errorMatrix.accuracy());
print("Consumer's accuracy", errorMatrix.consumersAccuracy());
print("Producer's accuracy", errorMatrix.producersAccuracy());
print("Kappa", errorMatrix.kappa());
Python setup
See the
Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using
for interactive development.
import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
Colab (Python)
from pprint import pprint
# Classifies features in a FeatureCollection and computes an error matrix.
# Combine Landsat and NLCD images using only the bands representing
# predictor variables (spectral reflectance) and target labels (land cover).
spectral = ee.Image('LANDSAT/LC08/C02/T1_L2/LC08_038032_20160820').select(
landcover = ee.Image('USGS/NLCD_RELEASES/2016_REL/2016').select('landcover')
sample_source = spectral.addBands(landcover)
# Sample the combined images to generate a FeatureCollection.
sample = sample_source.sample(**{
# sample only from within Landsat image extent
'region': spectral.geometry(),
'scale': 30,
'numPixels': 2000,
'geometries': True
# Add a random value column with uniform distribution for hold-out
# training/validation splitting.
sample = sample.randomColumn(**{'distribution': 'uniform'})
print('Sample for classifier development:', sample.getInfo())
# Split out ~80% of the sample for training the classifier.
training = sample.filter('random < 0.8')
print('Training set:', training.getInfo())
# Train a random forest classifier.
classifier = ee.Classifier.smileRandomForest(10).train(**{
'features': training,
'classProperty': landcover.bandNames().get(0),
'inputProperties': spectral.bandNames()
# Classify the sample.
predictions = sample.classify(
**{'classifier': classifier, 'outputName': 'predicted_landcover'})
print('Predictions:', predictions.getInfo())
# Split out the validation feature set.
validation = predictions.filter('random >= 0.8')
print('Validation set:', validation.getInfo())
# Get a list of possible class values to use for error matrix axis labels.
order = sample.aggregate_array('landcover').distinct().sort()
print('Error matrix axis labels:', order.getInfo())
# Compute an error matrix that compares predicted vs. expected values.
error_matrix = validation.errorMatrix(**{
'actual': landcover.bandNames().get(0),
'predicted': 'predicted_landcover',
'order': order
print('Error matrix:')
# Compute accuracy metrics from the error matrix.
print('Overall accuracy:', error_matrix.accuracy().getInfo())
print('Consumer\'s accuracy:')
print('Producer\'s accuracy:')
print('Kappa:', error_matrix.kappa().getInfo())