Code Editor (JavaScript)
// A Sentinel-2 surface reflectance image.
var img = ee.Image('COPERNICUS/S2_SR/20210109T185751_20210109T185931_T10SEG');
var trueColorViz = {
bands: ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'],
min: 0,
max: 2700,
gamma: 1.3
print('Sentinel-2 image', img);
Map.setCenter(-122.36, 37.47, 10);
Map.addLayer(img, trueColorViz, 'Sentinel-2 image');
// Create a Boolean land mask from the SWIR1 band; water is value 0, land is 1.
var landMask ='B11').gt(100);
print('Land mask', landMask);
Map.addLayer(landMask, {palette: ['blue', 'lightgreen']}, 'Land mask');
// Apply the single-band land mask to all image bands; pixel values equal to 0
// in the mask become invalid in the image.
var imgMasked = img.updateMask(landMask);
print('Image, land only', imgMasked);
Map.addLayer(imgMasked, trueColorViz, 'Image, land only');
// Set invalid masked pixels to a new value, e.g. a constant nodata value
// when exporting an image as GeoTIFF.
var imgUnmasked = imgMasked.unmask(32767);
print('Image, unmasked', imgMasked);
Map.addLayer(imgUnmasked, trueColorViz, 'Image, unmasked');
// Reset masked pixels to valid, fill with default value 0, input footprint.
var maskResetFootprint = imgMasked.unmask();
print('Image mask reset, footprint', maskResetFootprint);
Map.addLayer(maskResetFootprint, trueColorViz, 'Image mask reset, footprint');
// Reset masked pixels to valid, fill with default value 0, everywhere.
var maskResetEverywhere = imgMasked.unmask({sameFootprint: false});
print('Image mask reset, everywhere', maskResetEverywhere);
Map.addLayer(maskResetEverywhere, trueColorViz, 'Image mask reset, everywhere');
// Fill masked pixels with pixels from a different image.
var fill = ee.Image('COPERNICUS/S2_SR/20200618T184919_20200618T190341_T10SEG');
var imgFilled = imgMasked.unmask(fill);
print('Image, filled', imgFilled);
Map.addLayer(imgFilled, trueColorViz, 'Image, filled');
Python setup
See the
Python Environment page for information on the Python API and using
for interactive development.
import ee
import geemap.core as geemap
Colab (Python)
# A Sentinel-2 surface reflectance image.
img = ee.Image('COPERNICUS/S2_SR/20210109T185751_20210109T185931_T10SEG')
true_color_viz = {
'bands': ['B4', 'B3', 'B2'],
'min': 0,
'max': 2700,
'gamma': 1.3,
display('Sentinel-2 image', img)
m = geemap.Map()
m.set_center(-122.36, 37.47, 10)
m.add_layer(img, true_color_viz, 'Sentinel-2 image')
# Create a Boolean land mask from the SWIR1 band water is value 0, land is 1.
land_mask ='B11').gt(100)
display('Land mask', land_mask)
m.add_layer(land_mask, {'palette': ['blue', 'lightgreen']}, 'Land mask')
# Apply the single-band land mask to all image bands pixel values equal to 0
# in the mask become invalid in the image.
img_masked = img.updateMask(land_mask)
display('Image, land only', img_masked)
m.add_layer(img_masked, true_color_viz, 'Image, land only')
# Set invalid masked pixels to a new value, e.g. a constant nodata value
# when exporting an image as GeoTIFF.
img_unmasked = img_masked.unmask(32767)
display('Image, unmasked', img_masked)
m.add_layer(img_unmasked, true_color_viz, 'Image, unmasked')
# Reset masked pixels to valid, fill with default value 0, input footprint.
mask_reset_footprint = img_masked.unmask()
display('Image mask reset, footprint', mask_reset_footprint)
m.add_layer(mask_reset_footprint, true_color_viz, 'Image mask reset, footprint')
# Reset masked pixels to valid, fill with default value 0, everywhere.
mask_reset_everywhere = img_masked.unmask(sameFootprint=False)
display('Image mask reset, everywhere', mask_reset_everywhere)
mask_reset_everywhere, true_color_viz, 'Image mask reset, everywhere'
# Fill masked pixels with pixels from a different image.
fill = ee.Image('COPERNICUS/S2_SR/20200618T184919_20200618T190341_T10SEG')
img_filled = img_masked.unmask(fill)
display('Image, filled', img_filled)
m.add_layer(img_filled, true_color_viz, 'Image, filled')